World-renowned musician Kepa Junkera is coming to Palo Alto this Friday. Junkera will be performing a one-day concert sponsored by the Stanford Lively Arts on the Stanford Campus at 8 p.m.
Junkera was born in Spain and took to the accordion at a very young age after his mother and grandfather introduced him to music. In 1983, after several years of teaching himself the diatonic accordion, Junkera met a basque group, Oskorri and went on tour with them. By 1990, Junkera had turned solo and had already released two albums. Thereafter, he began creating a new style combining jazz with his original style, Trikitixa.
Junkera is widely known for putting all of his energy into his music and creating innovative and unique styles. In addition to producing ten albums, Junkera has teamed up with stars like Julio Pereira, Carlos Nunez, and the group The Chieftans.
Junkera’s style emphasizes his uniqueness and makes his performances thrilling to listen to. Junkera was the first accordion player to unite the original trikitixa style with modern classical style and transformed it into a style that is fun to listen to and gets one excited.
Junkera continues to amaze people with his electrifying live performances. His band is widely seen as one of the best live performances today.
The concert will be held in the Dinkelspiel Auditorium, which is located on Lagunita Drive, intersecting Tresidder Union. Seating inside the auditorium is split into two different areas, A and B. The A area is on the floor and seats cost $36, however these seats are sold out. Section B, which consists of the balcony seats, are still available and a seat is priced at $32.
The concert is expected to be one of the most thrilling in the bay area, and is a chance to see one of the most famous foreign artists before he goes on tour in July.
To purchase tickets go to the Stanford Lively Arts website at url