I admit it; I am one of those die-hard trick-or-treaters.
I have trick-or-treated each Halloween, but this year I am ending my twelve year long tradition. I remember going out when I was younger, with my friends and parents, jogging along from house to house. The entire neighborhood seemed enchanted. With the smell of fall breezing through the air, meeting other trick or treating parties was entertaining. However, I made the painful decision to stop last year, as a precious three-year-old girl in a fairy costume answered my traditional "trick or treat" by putting candy into my treat bag. I thought to myself, "Shouldn’t I be the one giving her candy?"
My desire for Halloween chocolate is overpowering, but this year I have decided to have some self-control. This year, I have a master plan: I will buy a big box of chocolate from See’s Candies and consume every piece on Halloween night, killing all desire to gather candy from my neighbors. I wonder how my plan will turn out.
There are some Paly students who can trick-or-treat with pride. Freshmen have my blessing to go out as they please. Go ahead, wander around your neighborhood collecting candy. In general, freshmen are short and immature, so they should not get any flack from neighbors during their quests. However, it can be tricky for those who appear older than they actually are. Neighbors are puzzled when they open their door to find giants towering before them instead of cute munchkins.
I don’t plan on abandoning all of my Halloween traditions, so thankfully there are ways to celebrate aside from collecting candy. I plan on dressing up regardless. Last year, I dressed up for Halloween, which fell on an average Thursday. I was sad to see how few of my peers chose to don costumes. I posed as an angel in disguise, complete with halo, "wings" (a white boa was easier to manage with my backpack), and a white outfit. A hint at my devilish side was given my bright red shoes, which no angel would wear. I don’t want to give it away, but I have a feeling my Halloween costume this year will be green and white, because it’s green and white dress up day for spirit week.
I am somewhat bummed that Halloween falls during spirit week because it restricts my costume creativity. However, it is fitting that all the dress up days should culminate on the ultimate dress-up day: Halloween. I think that the end result will be that more students will dress up for Halloween.
My advice to Paly’s student body is to go all out with the dress up, especially for Halloween. You have the chance to have fun with it, and I suggest that you enjoy it while you can. Hey, I won’t trick-or-treat anymore, but I’m planning on being in costume. Happy Halloween.