Formerly known as Kara’s Flowers, Maroon 5, headed by front man Adam Levine (vocals and lead guitar), created their revolutionizing debut album, Songs about Jane, composed of alternative rock songs. With the clever guitar melodies from James Valentine, mind-blowing lyrics by Levine and Jesse Carmichael (keyboard), the five members of the band will soon be topping the charts.
Levine and Carmicheal write all lyrics; the two creative geniuses make all songs relate to listeners and enhance the catchy tunes. Most lyrics are about love and their problems in finding it. Unlike most artists of today’s alternative rock genre, their lyrics aren’t full of anger and resentment. Maroon 5’s lyrics weren’t written to create mosh pits or instill anger among listeners, they are meant to talk about their experiences and lives.
Most songs have guitar riffs interrupting the songs, however they are placed exactly in the right place at the right time. Among the best is the one in "Shiver", where the guitar solo is for about 20 seconds, where guitar player Valentine is able to show off his abilities and skills. These guitar riffs give listeners a break from the vocals, Levine.
Although guitar riffs interrupt Levine, Levine’s vocals augment the lyrics and give them more depth to the mood of the song and the band. His voice makes these songs unforgettable and they will be playing all day in your head. His mellow voice is soothing in songs such as "She Will Be Loved" and is rougher in songs like "Harder to Breathe." Although a bit whinny at times, his multi-dimensional voice allows you to sympathize with the lyrics and helps you connect to the music.
Maroon 5 sets itself apart from other alternative rock bands in the pool of aspiring and the already-there artists with its different style of rock. Some songs bring you back to the old days where people enjoyed mellow songs with genuinely good music, songs that remind you of The Beatles, while other songs give off more of a depressed songwriter whose unrequited love has led them to feel angst. A few songs talk about the almost success in love, love at first sight, or the need for someone’s love. After spending time in New York, their music was influenced by the R and B culture there, making Maroon 5 more diverse than other bands. Their evolution of their music can be seen in songs such as "Not Coming Home" and "This Love," widening the appeal of Maroon 5.
With Songs about Jane being as unbelievable as it is, it is obvious to expect that Maroon 5 will be the next Red Hot Chili Peppers and will revolutionize this generations music through its style and flare. Maroon 5 will have a hard time following up this CD with its next with the high expectations it has set for itself, with its guitar riffs, lyrics, and vocals. Barely fitting in the alternative rock genre, it appeals not only to the rockers but even those who like pop and Britney Spears.