In an effort to try to inspire more students to try skateboarding, Society Skate Shop recently opened a new store at Town and Country, selling skateboards, and watches, sweatshirts, and shoes.
Jake London, the manager of Society Skate Shop, said the shop has been open for 3 months and is dedicated to provide students with a positive impression for skateboarding.
“We want to get people excited about skateboarding and help them out with that,” London said, “Anybody who’s interested can come in, say what’s up, and we can help you out, whatever you need. We are just generally down to talk to you.”
He also believes skateboarding is an activity everybody should try.
“Don’t be afraid to give a shot, might be tough at first, the first level is getting comfortable on your board,” London said “Being able to stand on that darn thing. Once you get past that stage it becomes fun, just be patient.”
If anyone is interested in buying a new pair of shoes, or is maybe interested in skateboarding, then Society Skate Shop is a place to go.
Address: 855 El Camino Real #16, Palo Alto
Phone: (650)-596-8182
Website: societyskateshop.com