As a result of the Columbine school shooting, more and more parents have taken the view that violent movie and video games are influencing their children to act violently in real life. Some have even gone far as banning video games in their homes.
Every person develops their values and morals when they are kids. Those values come from their parents, their friends, and everything else around them. I’m not saying that not wanting your children to be violent is wrong, but parents shouldn’t do it by shutting off their kids from the world. They can’t, it’s impossible. The world is always going to be here. No matter how hard an individual tries, he will never be able to block out the influences of society. It’s up to the parents to try to counter the bad elements their kids have picked up and reinforce the good ones.
Producers and writers aren’t making the movie to promote violence. They’re doing it so the audience can watch the movie and have some fun, not to mention making some money. No bad intentions there, but in the end, it all comes down to how a person takes it in. If he thinks that a movie is a movie, then it’s fine. But when people start to think of movies as how they should act in life, when people cannot find that fine line between fiction and reality, things will go wrong. Now we can’t expect children to have that clear distinction between games and life. Some kids might think that life is a game, you can’t start over, and there are no undo or take backs. When the game is over, it’s the end of the line.
It’s up to the parent to make their children aware of that fact that dying is not fun in life. Real people can be hurt. So instead of trying to defeat the world head on, why not strengthen your relationship with your child therefore, have a heavier influence on them than society.
Parents can’t just dodge their own responsibilities by blaming it on media, or games. The parents are raising their children, not video games. So when games and movies seem to have a heavier influence on children than the parents do, I think it’s safe to say that most families need to reprioritize and spend more time with each other.